FR 6031 is a sodium salt of condensed naphthalene sulfonic acid of high molecular weight. It is a powder easily dispersible in water that imparts excellent dispersion properties. FR 6031 works effectively in applications that involve the dispersion of particles of a solid in an aqueous medium or where it is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the dispersion. This property is due to the fact that the pH range in which this material is handled is very wide.

Chemical Family: Sodium Salts

Applicable Processes: Emulsion Polymerization

Physical Form: Powder

Features: Anti-Cracking, Compression Resistance, Corrosion Resistance, Cost Effective, Easy Handling, Excellent Dispersibility, Good Shrinkage Resistance, Good Thermal Stability, High Hiding Power, Improved Compressive Strength, Improved Plasticity, Improves Brightness, Low Kinks, Low Viscosity, Pumpable, Reduces Finishing Defects, Superior Finishing

End Uses: Cement, Ceramic Bathroom Parts, Pigment Pastes, Plaster Panels

Synonyms: Formaldehyde-naphthalenesulfonic acid condensate sodium salt, Formaldehyde-naphthalenesulfonic acid copolymer sodium salt, Formaldehyde-naphthalenesulfonic acid polymer sodium salt, Naphthalene sulfonic acid-formalin copolymer sodium salt, Naphthalenesulfonic acid-formaldehyde condensate sodium salt, Naphthalenesulfonic acid-formaldehyde copolymer sodium salt, Naphthalenesulfonic acid-formaldehyde polymer sodium salt

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Industrial Additives Features
Product Benefits
  • Reduce the water - cement ratio.
  • Concrete placement faster and easier.
  • With water reduction, high compressive strengths are obtained at early ages.
  • It allows to reduce the cement content, maintaining the resistance to compression.
  • Allow less time to unmold prestressed concrete.
  • Minimizes the energy needed for steam curing.
  • Improves the finish in precast concrete.
Product Highlights
  • A well-designed mixture, precast concrete products can reduce cement consumption simultaneously that obtain high strength at an early age, and thus can reduce the demolding cycle and reduce fuel consumption.
  • Precast concrete producers can design mixtures with FR6031 and obtain high resistance at an early age and high final resistance for rapid release.
  • The plasticity imparted by FR 6031 to a concrete mixture produces a fluidity in filling. When the molds are removed, the concrete results in a more uniform surface.
  • In previous applications, FR 6031 improves the fluidity of concrete. It also remains cohesion and retains its water - cement relationship without bleeding, without segregation and without loss of resistance. Concrete with FR 6031 minimizes the work required for placement in areas where space is reduced.
  • FR 6031 reduces cement costs by reducing the amount of cement needed to obtain a specific force.
  • But instead of opting for this increase in compressive strength, the cement content can be reduced by 15%. This restores the water - cement ratio and maintains the original compressive strength. And saving that 15% of cement that I would have had to use if I had not added FR 6031.
  • Tests have shown that it is possible to reduce steam cure time by 50% in a prestressed concrete and still obtain the desired compressive strength before demolding.
  • FR 6031 can dramatically increase the fluidity of concrete for better and easier placement without loss of strength or durability. This shorter placement time reduces the man-hours needed to do this job.

Applications & Uses

Applicable Processes
Application Method
Industrial Additives End Use
Use Level
0.30 - 0.5
Product Applications
  • Dispersion Of Pigments: FR 6031 is an efficient viscosity reducer for pigment pastes. Normally 0.20% of FR 6031 in relation to the dry pigment weight is sufficient, although for some types of pigments it may take up to 2% to obtain the desired fluidity. In addition to this, you get more hiding power and better brightness of the tones.
  • Employee In Emulsion Polymerizations: During the production of stirene - butadiene rubber, 0.15% of FR 6031 based on the monomers allowing a better finish since the viscosity of the emulsion and the formation of clots is reduced.
  • In Ceramics: FR6031 is very useful in the manufacture of ceramic bathroom parts. With this dispersant, ceramic production will show less shrinkage, less finishing defects, kinks and cracks during baking and drying.
  • Employment FRE031 On Plaster Panels: The use of FR 6031 allows to work with lower viscosity and less water, giving the possibility of drying the panels with a lower temperature or drying in less time, which represents an important economic advantage.
  • In Concrets: Superplastificant And Water Reducer: 
  • FR 6031 is a super plasticizer that gives formulated concrete the following advantages:Good plasticity
  • Ease of handling by pumping
  • It has no effect on setting
  • Does not promote corrosion
  • Reduce the amount of water by up to 35%
Usage Information
  • Normal dosage levels are 0.30 to 0.5 kg of FR 6031 per 100 kg of cement. It is recommended that the addition of FR 6031 be made in 40% solids solution.
  • FR 6031 is a water reducing additive in concrete. This water reducer allows to reduce extraordinarily the amount of water normally required to impart workability to a concrete mixture


Physical Form
Brown Powder (at 25°C)
Physical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Solubility (10% in water)Clear--
pH (10% in water)8.00 - 9.00--
Solid Contentmin. 92.00%-
Color (2% in water)max. 9.00Gardner-
Humiditymax. 8.00%-
Sodium Sulfate (Dry Base)max. 5.00%-

Technical Details & Test Data

Feno Resinas 6031 Operation
  • FR 6031 is a dispersing agent that promotes the separation or defloculation of cement particles, overcoming the cohesive forces that attract them to each other.
  • This powerful action of FR 6031 on cement causes the concrete mixture to flow more easily than a conventional mixture. This effect is called plasticization.
  • As a superplasticizer, FR 6031 gives the concrete mix optimal plasticization and allows it to be placed more easily. In addition, the use of FR 6031 allows to reduce the water - cement ratio without loss in the tempering. These results directly in an increase in the initial and final resistance to concrete compression.
  • FR 6031 is a non-toxic agent, which does not cause foam and since it is a synthetic product, it has uniform properties from one batch to another, unlike lignosulfonates.
  • Its thermal stability is guaranteed up to 150ºC. Its decomposition temperature is 380 °C. In normal dosages, FR-6031 does not affect the heat of hydration of the concrete. It does not contribute to the corrosion of steel, nor to the growth of microorganisms.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Regional Availability
  • North America
Packaging Information

Feno Resinas 6031 is packaged in 25 kg multilayer bags.